The housing team provides financial assistance for individuals and families in need, and our case managers provide support when they move into housing. Our team walks them through the process to ensure a smooth transition from homelessness into permanent housing. With Rapid Rehousing, it is our goal to help them obtain permanent housing as quickly as possible, using a Housing First approach. This means we eliminate barriers to housing, such as sobriety requirements. After they are housed, we help them to develop a support network and connection to community.
Rapid Re-Housing
Provides short-term financial assistance with rent and/or utilities, security and utility deposits, case management services, housing search, Renter’s Education Classes that include Tenant Rights and Responsibilities, Goal Setting, Housekeeping, Budgeting, 6 months follow-up home visits. Program helps to prevent families from becoming homeless.

Affordable Housing
HOPE is partnering with members of our community to provide more long-term affordable housing solutions for our kūpuna at Sacred Heart Community in Pāhoa. We also offer a master leasing program for landlords who believe all people should have access to affordable housing. Download our brochure to learn how you can receive 100% of market-value rent payments each month, guaranteed.

TANF Housing Placement Program
Provides pre and post rental housing counseling, housing placement services to TANF eligible families with a new Section 8 voucher or those transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. Initial move in costs such as rental deposit and rent assists families move directly into housing. This program is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS).

Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent Supportive Housing offers long-term affordable housing assistance and case management for families and individuals with the greatest needs. Participants must meet the criteria for Chronic Homelessness–meaning theyʻbe been homeless for more than a year, and have a documented disability. The people we serve in this program often struggle with mental illness, addiction, severe health conditions, and trauma or domestic violence. We use the Housing First approach, which allows us to eliminate strict eligibility requirements, so we can help people meet their basic needs first, and then focus on overcoming challenges.

We prioritize shelter on vulnerability and need.
HOPE is a proud member of Community Alliance Partners (CAP), a Continuum of Care made up of over 40 organizations and allies using a Housing First approach to house and provide follow-up services to our houseless neighbors islandwide.
CAP implemented a Coordinated Entry System (CES) in 2017. This ensures that those who need housing the most receive the first available units. A CES is mandated by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and it streamlines the processes for assessing and offering homeless programs and housing. The CES also provides information about service needs and gaps to help communities plan their assistance and identify needed resources.
“I'm so grateful you are there for the people of Hawaii.”
Susan, formerly homeless Hawaiʻi Island resident