HOPE Services is the largest homeless services provider on Hawaiʻi Island.
We work with our community to help our neighbors avoid and overcome homelessness.
We bring to life gospel values of justice, love, compassion and hope through service, empowerment and advocacy.
We envision a world where those who face great challenges realize their value and self worth.
We honor our commitments and stay true to our mission and values.
We treat others as we want to be treated.
We live the Gospel call to serve others with love, without judgment, especially the poor and vulnerable.
Our work is directed with a greater purpose and faith in loving God and our neighbor.
We value and respect all persons, at every stage and condition of life.
We challenge ourselves to meet the highest standards of service and leadership.
The Story of HOPE
On October 1, 2010, the Office for Social Ministry, Care-A-Van Program of the Diocese of Honolulu became HOPE Services Hawaii, Inc. (HOPE). Although our name changed, we remained the same nonprofit 501 (c) (3) corporation providing services and programs to those most in need in the community with the same dedicated staff and support from the Diocese of Honolulu. While the Office for Social Ministry Department continues at the Diocese of Honolulu to work with our parishes and schools, the work of the Care-A-Van Program became part of HOPE Services Hawaii, Inc. Bishop Larry Silva remains committed to helping end homelessness and the incorporation of the Care-A-Van program into HOPE Services Hawaii, Inc. has allowed us to be more visible in our community.
It has become obvious that in order to end homelessness in Hawaii, social services, politicians, the business community, and especially the faith community, need to work together toward the common goal of serving our brothers and sisters who are without a place to lay their heads each night. The faith community offers diverse services to people experiencing homelessness to help them transition off the streets. A sense of community, belonging and long-term personal accountability are critical to helping people realize their self worth.
Now, 10 years later, we are celebrating a decade of growth! Some our our proudest achievements include Sacred Heart Shelter, the micro-shelters for lava evacuees, Keolahou (Hawaii Island’s first Ohana Zone), and the formation of our Street Medicine program. Looking to the future, we have much to be excited for, including Sacred Heart Community, an expansion of the existing micro-shelters, to encompass a community of affordable housing for seniors. We’re also looking forward to the opening of Kukuiola in Kona, and the addition of Permanent Supportive Housing at Keolahou.
We invite your involvement, and whether your faith-based organization has been serving families and individuals experiencing homelessness for generations or you’re just getting started, HOPE Services Hawaii would like to partner with you or your group. We recognize that it takes a community to directly and effectively impact homelessness in Hawaii. Come partner with us, talk story. If you would like to get more information on how your organization can get involved with putting an end to homelessness, please contact 808-935-3050. It will further allow us to expand our reach and do what we do best. And that’s serving the most vulnerable of our community.
“I'm so grateful you are there for the people of Hawaii.”
Susan, formerly homeless Hawaiʻi Island resident