HILO, Hawaii, September 21, 2011 – HOPE Services Hawaii has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the Public-Private Partners for Literacy Trust Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation to create a literacy program for families in HOPE’s emergency and transitional housing shelters.
HOPE’s new Literacy and Family Strengthening Program is based on the Kenan Trust Family Literacy model. This model integrates four crucial components, including adult education, early childhood education, parenting, and parent and child together time. This model is recognized by the National Center for Family Literacy and has shown to produce positive literacy outcomes for primary care-givers and their children. HOPE will coordinate adult high school diploma and English as a Second Language classes and programs focused on fostering quality parent-child interaction. As the literacy program progresses, it will be fully integrated into all of HOPE’s emergency and transitional shelter programs.
HOPE’s partners in this innovative program include the Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture Keiki Steps, Hilo Community School for Adults, and Hawaii Community College.
“This opportunity will allow us the privilege to implement a best practice model that encourages family time together, playing, laughing, learning and enjoying one another,” said Brandee Menino, Chief Executive Officer of HOPE Services Hawaii. Ms. Menino goes on to say, “We truly believe that by strengthening the family unit it will lead to improved choices and better life outcomes.”
HOPE is a statewide non-profit agency providing innovative safety net programs to the vulnerable and marginalized in the state of Hawai’i. These programs include homeless outreach, mental health outreach, drop-in centers, emergency and transitional housing programs, permanent supportive housing programs, representative payee services and SNAP (formerly food stamps) outreach. In 2010, HOPE served nearly 3,500 individuals.
For more information:
Brandee Menino, HOPE Services Chief Executive Officer – Phone 808. 933.6013 or email bmenino@hopeserviceshawaii.org